Same Day Glasses

Same Day Glasses

Same Day Glasses

Same Day Glasses

Best in Finishing Technology

We utilize the best in on site finishing technology. Our Santinelli Ice-1200 blocker allows us to customize shapes and block jobs down to the hundredth of a millimeter. The Lex-1200 allows us to cut lenses for even the most difficult of frames. Wrapped sunglasses and high prescriptions are no longer a problem and they look better than ever!

We Control the Quality

Finishing our own lenses allows us to control the quality, which means they have to pass our incredibly high expectations. No more pits in the edges, prescriptions that are slightly off, or major delays. You see better and get your glasses even sooner!

Glasses While You Wait

While we typically quote about 30 minutes to finish lenses for a pair of glasses, it’s often less. We’re able to cut them while you relax and wait so you don’t have to be without your glasses for up to 2-3 weeks while they’re sent out to an off-site lab.